
Monday, April 27, 2020

Composting in the age of Social Distancing

SunnyCompost is adjusting to the age of COVID-19. As the state went into lockdown mode, we closed. Because some people continued to drop off bags of food scraps, our volunteers processed them to prevent the attraction of pests. 

This week, with the news of NYC suspending its residential compost collection until June 2021, we decided to "reopen" officially but with precautions and strict guidelines.

  • The gates of the community composting area are closed, but the bin is out to collect food scraps on Sundays between 2 and 5.  We ask that you leave no scraps at any other time.
  • Wear gloves and a mask/scarf over your nose and mouth when you drop off your scraps. Protect yourself and others around you. People can carry Covid19 and not know about it!
  • When opening the bin and emptying your container or bag,  take your empty container back with you, and if disposable, discard in your home's garbage receptacle. The gate will remain closed so you won’t be able to rinse out your containers in the garden.
  • We put in place 4 tape markings on the sidewalk for people to respect the physical distancing 6 feet (or 2 meters). 

On Sunday April 26th, we received about 3 times our usual amount of drop-offs, which after processing totals approximately 50 gallons of food scraps that were diverted from the landfill and will not produce Methane, Nitrous Oxide (greenhouse gases more potent than CO2), less CO2, less to none H2S (Hydrogen Sulfide), and less volatile organic compound emissions.
We also sifted finished compost to produce 35 gallons of black gold!
We appreciate your support in helping us stay safe and continue to divert your food scraps to produce amazing compost. Together, we can do this.
Stay safe!

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