
Sunday, September 27, 2015

Remembering our Friend

A part of the Master Composter course I took back in 2012, I tabled at the Sunnyside CSA to gauge interest in my idea of conducting worm bin workshops. Then I met Angela. She told me how much she missed being able to divert her food scraps from the landfill by bringing them to the Sunnyside Community Garden. The 24/7 drop-off had ended around March and she really missed it. We talked for awhile and a few other CSA members mentioned their desire to reinvigorate the drop-off program over at the community garden.

Angela's passion made an impression on me. So as the summer went on, my idea to conduct worm bin workshops continued but soon I was working with Queens compost gurus at NYC Compost Project at Queens Botanical Garden and Build It Green! Compost to organize a community meeting about reinvigorating the Sunnyside community garden drop-off compost program.

Three years later and dropping off food scraps at SunnyCompost is a routine Sunday activity for many of our neighbors. Angela was a regular composter, usually making her way down 50th Street after 4:00. We'd see her and greet her at the gate to help her carry her bags of scraps. We loved Angela because she believed in and appreciated us. When she wasn't able to bring over her scraps herself, Angela had her own crew ready to bring them over. She would tell them not to be late to drop-off because we're volunteers and she appreciated our giving of our time and didn't want us to have to work too late.

Angela cared about us, bringing us delicious baked goods for our Open House events.  On the last Sunday in August, Angela enjoyed our 'Snacks and Sifting' event by visiting with neighbors and newcomers. I sat with her for awhile as she relayed her recipe for homemade hummus. Angela told a favorite story about her cat that was prescribed Paxil and one about her excellent ability to spell.  Personally, she gave me advice that day to pass on to my mother about how physical therapy can be helpful.

SunnyCompost exists because of Angela's impassioned plea to rejuvenate the drop-off program. There are so many stories and memories to share. We love her and will miss her dearly.

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