
Sunday, December 20, 2015

Another year of composting at Sunny Compost!

Wow, 2015 flew by! With our weather feeling more like springtime, it's even harder to believe we have reached the end of the calendar year.

Sunny Compost has provided our community with a local food scraps drop-off site for over three years, continuing the hard work started by Peter Richter before us.

This year's accomplishments:
We are grateful to all who help us - Sunnyside Community Garden members, Sunnyside Gardens Park, NYC Compost Project, Big Reuse, NYC Department of Sanitation, Woodside Neighborhood Association, PS 11, and all of our dedicated volunteers.

  • Sunny Compost is open year round. Our drop-off hours are on Sundays from 2:00 - 4:00 from November through February and then 2:00 - 5:00
  • If the weather is rough or if we don't have any volunteers, you may place your food scraps in the black bin outside the gate.  As always, please take your plastic bags or other non-compostables with you.
  • Big Reuse food scraps drop off at the Skillman Avenue Greenmarket is  open year round! Sunnyside Greenmarket  Saturdays, 8 am-2 pm YEAR ROUND
    Skillman Ave between 42 and 43 Street (
  • We have finished compost if you need any. Makes for a unique gift! 
  • We welcome new volunteers. Our sign-up sheet is online.  
Thank you for being a part of our community's compost program!