
Saturday, December 13, 2014

2014 comes to a close

Another year of composting comes to a close! Time sure does fly! SunnyCompost had some great successes this year:

  • Lots of new volunteers!
  • A new leaf bin was built!
  • Three big batches of compost were created!
  • Open House and Pumpkin Smash was held!
  • Workshop for PS 11 students was held!
  • Workshop with Woodside Neighborhood Association was held!
  • We donated finished compost to Sunnyside is Blooming and Re-Create Queens for planting events!
  • We've had steady drop-offs of food scraps for over two years!

Grateful to all who help us - Sunnyside Community Garden members, Sunnyside Gardens Park, NYC Compost Project, BiG!Compost, NYC Department of Sanitation, Woodside Neighborhood Association, PS 11, and all of our dedicated volunteers.

For some Holiday Composting Tips, check out this cool article about nuts! Check out this article written for Thanksgiving but applicable to any holiday where you'll be cooking up a storm!

  • Sunny Compost is open year round. Our drop-off hours are on Sundays from 2:00 - 5:00. (See attached flyer.)
  • If the weather is rough or if we don't have any volunteers, you may place your food scraps in the black bin outside the gate.  As always, please take your plastic bags or other non-compostables with you.
  • BiG!Compost food scraps drop off at the Skillman Avenue Greenmarket is now open year round!   
    • Sunnyside Greenmarket  Saturdays, 10am-1pm YEAR ROUND
      Skillman Ave between 42 and 43 Street (
    • (The textile recycling collection, Wearable Collections, will not be year round. Last day at Sunnyside Market is 12/20.)  
  • We have finished compost if you need any. Makes for a unique gift! 
  • We welcome new volunteers. Our sign-up sheet is online.  
Thank you for being a part of our community's compost program!

Sunny Compost

Monday, November 3, 2014

Open House (3rd Annual!)


A fun local event (not sponsored by the CSA but we sure do like them!)–
SunnyCompost invites you to its 3rd Annual Open House on Sunday, November 9, 2014 from 1:00 p.m. until 5:00 p.m.
November is here and SunnyCompost wants to celebrate with YOU and your food scraps, your leaves, and your pumpkins!
  • Tour the composting site located at beautiful Sunnyside Community Garden at 50th Street and Barnett Avenue in Sunnyside.
  • Join us and meet your neighbors and fellow composters.
  • Learn about composting – a Beginners Workshop will take place at 1:30
  • Hands on activities – chopping, sifting, and much much more!
  • Bring your pumpkins for smashing!
  • Bring your bagged leaves for mulching (aka Project Leaf Drop!)
  • Bring food scraps for composting!
  • Take a sample of finished compost!

Please stop by! We’ll have refreshments (compostable)!
Can’t wait to see you!!

Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Community Composting: Compostory's 8/4 Podcast

Check out Compostory.Org's latest podcast  "The Organic Stream" at about the 5 minute mark. It's an interview with David Buckel from Added Value Red Hook Community Farm about community composting in NYC. He stresses the importance of  "closing the circle" of food production to compost and educating the public about the benefits of composting.

 Compostory's news feed of compost stories

Thursday, July 31, 2014

New Batch of Compost

We stopped adding new scraps to our third bin on June 1st and started sifting mid-July. 

We have some great, earthy black gold, as they say. 


Here's some of the "un-compost" discovered during the sifting process -

 fruit stickers, plastic ties, plastic caps, rubberbands, glass and so on.  That stuff doesn't break down as fast as the organic matter. 

Saturday, May 24, 2014

New hours for Sunny Compost food scraps collection

 located at 
 Sunnyside Community Garden
50th Street & Barnett Avenue

BEGINNING June 1, 2014
Sunday drop-off hours only:
2:00 - 5:00

Saturday, March 1, 2014

March Compost Madness

Despite the cold and snowy winter, we are still busy collecting food scraps and processing them as they transform to become beautiful, nutrient-rich compost!  Our compost bin had a temperature of 100 degrees this weekend!  We've made it through the storms (so far) and haven't seen much reduction in drop-offs, despite the low temperatures. Separating food scraps becomes a habit, just like recycling. We are grateful to everyone who drops off and helps reduce waste. We are especially grateful to our volunteers who have braved the elements!


Drop-off hours are: 
Saturday Mornings from 9:00 – 11:00 a.m.

Sunday Afternoons from 3:00 – 5:00 p.m.

Accepted materials include:

- fruit and vegetable scraps  
- non-greasy food scraps
- coffee grounds & filters, tea bags
- egg and nut shells, pits

    Please NO meat, chicken, fish, greasy food scraps, fat, oil, dairy, animal waste, litter or bedding, coal or charcoal, coconuts, diseased and/or insect-infested houseplants/soil or biodegradable/compostable plastics.

 Keep your food scraps in a brown bag in your freezer or a reusable container (juice carton, yogurt container, crock, plastic tub, etc.)  We love when you remove stickers from fruit and vegetable peels before dropping off.  Feel free to chop up any large fruits and vegetables.